Booklists,  Nature


Nature projects are such a magical part of a child’s education. There are many things to discover and explore, it can be perfect for hands-on learning, and they provide a strong foundation for science studies.

Nature studies can incorporate a variety of subjects – everything from science, math, crafts, creative writing, and of course stories! Stories can be placed at the heart of any element of your child’s education. Not only do you have factual books available, but you can also utilise living books. These are stories that make events come alive by drawing you into the subject, stirring your imagination and emotions, and meeting characters that bring you into their world. Often a better understanding of a topic can be gained through a relatable story that becomes memorable to young minds.


Today’s List: Seeds!

Doing a project on seeds is a fantastic springboard into wider topics on botany, life cycles, and even gardening! Children learn how seeds disperse, germinate and the growth of a plant. To help you with your studies, I have picked out my favourite books with a seed theme! Perfect for engaging your young learner!

Each book has been chosen with a UK reader in mind – this means they should be available in good bookshops and through your local library.

I hope you enjoy this list! Do let me know which books your little bookworms are loving! Drop a comment below, or come and chat about all things books with me over on Instagram and Facebook!

A downloadable list of these chosen books is free to download from our shop: Seeds Book List – The Curiosity Cupboard 

Happy Reading!



Note: All links are Amazon Affiliate links. I may earn a small commission from these links, at no cost whatsoever to you. This allows me to keep writing lists, and continue to make them a free resource for everyone.

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