• Booklists,  Fiction

    Animal Stories – Chapter Books

    “Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing – absolutely nothing – half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.” – Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows The days are long and bright, and summer is in full swing! This time of year always reminds me of this wonderful quote from The Wind in the Willows – the image of rowboats and picnics, and lazing your way down a babbling river. It got me thinking about all my other favourite books where animals take centre stage! Those books where the animals tell their own story, and you are drawn into their wonderous world. With such memorable characters…

  • Booklists,  Social Studies

    Refugees and Migrants

    These books are a fantastic springboard for discussion and further exploration into the experiences of refugees and migrants. Touching on important topics such as identity, conflict, and belonging, there is something for every age on this list – from picture books for little ones, to heartfelt fiction for young adults. Note: All links are Amazon Affiliate links. I may earn a small commission from these links, at no cost whatsoever to you. This allows me to keep writing lists, and continue to make them a free resource for everyone.

  • Booklists,  Nature

    Celebrating the Oceans

    Celebrate World Oceans Day by diving beneath the waves, and exploring the fascinating world under the sea! On this day people honour the wonders of the oceans, engage in conservation, and further the work of protecting this amazing environment. Below are mix of exciting factual books, gorgeous stories and engaging board books, perfect for curious readers! And just for fun, I couldn’t not mention this beautiful game! Perfect for animal recognition, reading skills and of course fun, family games night! Note: All links are Amazon Affiliate links. I may earn a small commission from these links, at no cost whatsoever to you. This allows me to keep writing lists, and…

  • Booklists,  History,  Social Studies

    52 Books – Black Lives in History and Fiction

    As readers and book buyers, we make choices every day about what stories we choose to bring into our homes.  Take the time to look at the stories you read, the authors you buy, and the books you introduce to your children, and challenge yourself – how diverse is your bookshelf? This list is by no means exhaustive – through my research I found many that are not available in the UK, or sadly out of print – but it’s a start. I plan to continue adding it and making it a living resource that grows and provides you with inspiration. There is hopefully something for every child here, no…

  • Booklists,  Fiction

    Books About Books!

    With World Book Day being celebrated this week, it seemed the perfect time to put together a list of my favourite books that are all about books! The day often gets swept away in the excitement of costumes (and last minute panic!) so I couldn’t resist picking some fantastic stories that put books at their centre and celebrate a love of reading! Which books would you add to the list? Picture Books Middle Grade Young Adult Happy Reading! Click on the book if you would like to purchase your own copy!   Note: All links are Amazon Affiliate links. I may earn a small commission from these links, at no cost whatsoever to…